Book spine poetry vol. 3: “Lost in Snow”

Winter Storm Q hit mid-Missouri on Thursday. 24 hours later the landscape around my house resembled tundra more than an urbanscape. DSC05174

Snow is fun for kids and it offers very photogenic opportunities for photographers. It may enhance the ego of all those supermachos who feel good in shoveling driveway after driveway. For all others, what’s all the excitement about snow? Mostly if you have a small car and your street gets plowed too late. And you don’t have one of those supermachos in your household.

So, on snowed-in day #3, after baking, cooking, watching four episodes of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”-Season 6, reading in front of a fireplace, and posting too many status updates on Facebook, all of I can think of is ‘roads’, ‘escape’, ‘blocked’, ‘ dead end’, ‘free?’

Bookspine poetry 3

Main Street to the Lighthouse

Last Exit to Brooklyn:

The Place of Dead Roads.

But the sun is shining this morning, giving me hope that it may start melting some of the wall of snow that still occupies half of my driveway…

Read my other book spine poetry compositions here and here.


  1. If you don’t get out, Main Street is a great book–it may not resonate for a reader who grew up in a big town or outside the country, but anyone who grew up in a small town will find ‘themselves’ somewhere in the text. It’s an odd and mostly unpleasant experience to find yourself in a story written decades before you were born.

    1. I read it, and liked it. It was many years ago (as you can guess from the torn cover of the book in the pic!), so don’t remember much, but I remember it as a very interesting and well written book.

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